I'm going to Freetown in Sierra Leone in September to work with VSO in the Ola During Children's Hospital. It has very few resources (no X-rays or microbiology!) so will be quite a challenge. Along with looking after sick children I also hope to be training up Sierra Leonean paediatricians and nurses.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

How I Survived

1) With the support of my wonderful husband.
2) With internet access and mobile phone to be able to contact him.
3) Regular emails, facebook messages, thoughts and prayers from great friends and family at home.
4) My great little Welsh flatmate Cat who keeps me sane.
5) Carole, who explained how to get anything done in this country! And who also keeps me sane and gives out great advice.
6) New friends for life who have supported me emotionally through some incredibly tough times here; I am forever indebted to you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your friendship – and for putting up with me!
7) By taking malaria prophylaxis and sleeping under a mosquito net.
8) Wonderful visitors – Andy, Mum and Dad and Selena – thank you so much for coming to see me – it has meant so much that you know first hand what I’m talking about!
9) By the Grace of God. I once asked Sandra how she had managed to stay here and keep going for so long, and this was the answer she gave me.
10) The monthly service at International Church – a time for prayer, thought, and reflection (and great buffet bring and share dinner).
11) A bit of escapism - Bliss brunches, beautiful beaches, the UN pool Mamba Point dinners, nights out with friends.
12) By always retaining that bit of hope for the future of the children of Salone.
13) A few creature comforts from home – Earl Grey tea, pesto, the occasional bits of real cheese and chocolate which visitors brought out.
14) A lot of peanut butter.
15) IMATT. The wonderful hospitality at various parties, dinners and rugby games, military chat, great showers and just knowing they were there in times of need (oh and that swimming pool!)
16) Joe our fantastic neighbour who is always there to help with getting water, sorting out our electricity, being an excellent security guard (along with dog Tiger) and friend.
17) By going home for a break in April. I was cracking up a bit in March and was very very grateful for the break.
18) By knowing that I would be able to go home, to my wonderful husband, at the end of the year.

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