Some of my favourite memories from my time in Sierra Leone….
1) Decompressing a tension pneumothorax.
2) Seeing that little boy come back to see me and say thank you.
3) Anytime a mother or father said “I tell God tenki” to me.
4) My birthday – lots of singing “Happy Birthday”, a happy day at hospital, fish carpaccio, red wine and an amazing chocolate cake!
5) Seeing the little girl with pneumococcal meningitis alive and well.
6) Jumping into the IMATT pool at the Royal Wedding Party.
7) Winning the money tree at the IMATT Christmas party.
8) Rugby afternoons with Freya and the IMATT crew.
9) Listening to the beautiful singing of the choir from Wells Cathedral School.
10) Meeting Andy from the Pelican and generally the whole time Andy was here.
11) Getting lost up Sugar Loaf Mountain.
12) Mum and Dad’s visit, especially The Burn’s Supper at IMATT, Banana Island and visiting Connie and Lavan in Kabala.
13) Seeing Andy at Heathrow airport.
14) The Mercy Ship Anaesthetists’ Conference.
15) Being at the Stadium on Independence Day.
16) Seeing Andy whenever Skype video worked (which is not very often!)
17) Seeing a little boy with an empyema coming back for follow-up.
18) Sunsets, great company and fabulous food at Hamilton and Tokeh beaches.
19) Being at Tacugama and Hamilton with Selena.
20) Occasional afternoons when it was quiet enough at the hospital to have fun gossiping with the nurses.
21) Receiving news from home that best friends had had their babies.
22) Seeing the father of a patient with Down Syndrome who came to thank me for putting them in touch with an occupational therapist.
23) Being recognised by various patients’ mothers whilst out and about in Freetown, and them thanking me again for helping their children, including the mother of a child who died who I met at Congo Cross and wanted to say thanks for everything I tried to do.
24) Any time we got running water again after being without it.
25) Dancing with friends to Salonean music including Waka Waka Baby and I love my life.
26) Finding out that Susan one of the other VSOs used to work with my Dad in Shetland!
27) The bizarre party at the hospital – dancing with the nurses, doctors, patients and little kids who live under the stairs at the hospital.
28) ETATing in Kenema
29) The Welbodi Quiz at IMATT
30) My last visit to Hamilton eating yummy lobster in the sun (during rainy season).
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