I'm going to Freetown in Sierra Leone in September to work with VSO in the Ola During Children's Hospital. It has very few resources (no X-rays or microbiology!) so will be quite a challenge. Along with looking after sick children I also hope to be training up Sierra Leonean paediatricians and nurses.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

The Welbodi Quiz

On returning from Kenema there was little time for resting as on Friday evening we held the long-awaited fundraising quiz in aid of The Welbodi Partnership (www.welbodipartnership.org) at IMATT. For those of you who haven’t heard my little crusade for Welbodi, I work with the wonderful people from Welbodi in the Children’s Hospital. They are developing paediatric post-graduate training for doctors (currently there is no postgraduate training in SL), in-service paediatric training for nursing staff (again, no specialist children’s nursing training in the country) and developing other systems within the hospital (things like medical records, electricity and running water).

While we were in Kenema, Fred, Becky and Sandra had been busily organising questions (with some cross-continental help from Andy and Banke), guest lists and raffle prizes. On Friday we headed up the hill to IMATT to do some last minute organising and sorting out the layout of the bar for the evening. We then had time for a quick swim in the rain followed by a Hot Shower (it was amazing! – thanks Jenny!) and some lengthy pondering over which of my multitude of tailored blue dresses to wear for the evening.

Guests soon started arriving and I got busy selling raffle tickets which was fun as I got to be a social butterfly speaking to people while selling the tickets. Carole was our quiz-master and we had some fun rounds including topical questions on African geography (the capital of the newest country in the world, anyone?) and a music round with song words translated into Krio.

The raffle was drawn while Fred and I marked the quiz. There were some fantastic raffle prizes – thanks to everyone who donated them. Cat decided she wouldn’t use her raffle prize of a free gym session so we auctioned it off – a great idea which ended with some very high bidding and a fierce battle between two people! And finally, we got to announce the quiz winners - congratulations to the team “4 Nations” who won by a mere half a point!

It was a brilliant evening – I will update you on how much we raise when I find out the total. Anyone can of course still donate money if you wish! Well done to the wonderful Welbodi’s for organising such a great night and thanks so much to everyone at IMATT, especially Jenny for making the evening possible.

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