I'm going to Freetown in Sierra Leone in September to work with VSO in the Ola During Children's Hospital. It has very few resources (no X-rays or microbiology!) so will be quite a challenge. Along with looking after sick children I also hope to be training up Sierra Leonean paediatricians and nurses.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Things which will never cease to amaze me

1) How women manage to change their hairdo’s so frequently – and come out of little shacks looking like a million dollars.
2) How women manage to walk along the streets and non-existent pavements in the most incredibly high heels.
3) The brilliant religious tolerance in this country – the rest of the world could really learn from the way that Christians and Muslims interact. At the beginning of meetings everyone says both Muslim prayers and the Lord’s Prayer.
4) How ants get everywhere no matter how much Dettol I wipe around on the kitchen surfaces.
5) How Saloneans can be the friendliest people you’ll ever meet but as soon as they become a waiter/tress they completely forget how to smile and be polite (the exceptions to this are at Mamba Point and Independence Beach Bar where the waiting staff are very friendly!).
6) Just how much it can rain…
7) How excited I am when the NPA (electricity) is on.
8) How little kids can carry immensely heavy jerry cans full of water on their heads.
9) Just how many NGOs there are in Sierra Leone.
10) How come eggs and rice are imported from India.
11) The shocking contrast between dead babies wrapped in lapas at the hospital and the serenity and beauty of the beaches.
12) How some children, against all the odds, get better (which is clearly why I love paediatrics, and why I am here!).

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