I'm going to Freetown in Sierra Leone in September to work with VSO in the Ola During Children's Hospital. It has very few resources (no X-rays or microbiology!) so will be quite a challenge. Along with looking after sick children I also hope to be training up Sierra Leonean paediatricians and nurses.

Thursday 30 September 2010

Blog 1 – One week in Freetown

Its Saturday afternoon; I’m sitting on my balcony looking at a gorgeous view over the ocean towards Lungi. I’ve been in Freetown almost a week. In-country training is done.

We arrived very late on Sunday night (the plane was delayed as we stopped on route in Malaga to refuel (probably due to everyone’s luggage limit of a massive 40kg – which I for one was very glad to have). We were met at the airport by some VSO staff and taken by water taxi to Freetown.

I am living a really nice VSO house near a big roundabout called Congo Cross. I have a big double room with an en suite! My shower doesn’t work alas but I do have a working toilet and sink. There is another shared bathroom with a working shower (cold water – but that’s not a problem!) We also have remarkably good electricity. A hydroelectric dam has just been opened which provides power to most of Freetown. The lights are a bit dim sometimes and occasionally we have a power cut lasting a few hours but in general much better than I was expecting.

We have had in-country training this week at the VSO office (in Aberdeen). Lots of info about how the VSO programme works in Sierra Leone, about the social, political, and economic context of development here and a bit about how to survive in Freetown. We also got to learn a bit of Krio. One of the new volunteers was born in Freetown and speaks Krio so it was fun practicing with her.

VSO have just been back in SL since 2005 (the war ENDED in 2002) and the health programme started in 2008. There has just been a big influx of health volunteers including me, another paediatrician, a GP, an ER doctor (who will work as a clinical tutor in a medical school) and a paediatric nurse.

We’ve had a tour around Freetown today, driving by Lumley Beach, around the hills and up to the British High Commission and US Embassy. That is to say, we drove past them. The views are incredible. We had lunch down town (I was adventurous enough to have “plasas”; a cassava leaf stew with a variety of fish, chicken and unidentified meat, served with rice. A bit hot, but pretty nice anyway. We had a wander around town, including “Big Market” the touristy market selling baskets, jewellery and lovely clothes.

Now back on the balcony relaxing before the VSO party this evening!

Wednesday 29 September 2010

I've got here!

This is a very quick message as the internet is so slow!

Hope you are all well. I am fine. I have tried to write a blog and copy and paste - but even THAT isn't working just now!!

I have had one week of in-country training and now just started in Ola During Children's Hospital.

More when I get my own internet....

Saturday 18 September 2010

Thinking of the Sound of Music and the Terminator movies

So long, farewell... but also - I'll be back!

Well that's it, I'm off tomorrow. With my huge bags (very pleased about the 40kg baggage allowance - I would NOT have managed with the 25kg that VSO allows!)

The next time I post I'll be in Freetown! All very exciting. Sad too - its been a sad week of farewells. We've had a nice relaxing time of walking into town, nice dinners and into London to visit the British Museum and Imperial War Museum and have some dim sum.

Last night tonight - off to watch X Factor for the last time - although we have to go to James and Jo's to watch it as our TV is on the blink - good practice for me!

Well auf wiedersehen, goodbye! See you all soon xxx

Wednesday 8 September 2010

I can't believe its actually nearly here - I'm off in 11 days! Nothing packed yet but its all laid out in the spare room.
I've got two weeks of training with VSO in Freetown when I arrive before starting in the hospital. It will give me a chance to acclimatise and meet up with the other VSOs.
Thanks so much to those of you who came to my leaving do yesterday - it was brilliant fun. Thanks also to everyone who generously donated to VSO - I've now reached my target!